CCB Cementir Holding - Acheter du ciment, des granulats et du béton en Belgique

Fiche produit
C-ROAD Concretes SOFT

Self-compacting material for widening structural roadways (Qualiroute MAR standard)

Conseils transport et mise en oeuvre
  • Delivered by mixer
  • Not pumpable
  • Directly poured in place


  • Execution:
    • MAR-1: Manual
    • MAR-2: Somewhat mechanised
    • MAR-3: Mechanised
    • Directly poured in place
    • No compacting or vibration used

Our C-ROAD Soft product and our raw materials are subjected to ongoing and rigorous in-house test procedures.

Our plants are BENOR or AFNOR certified showing our commitment to abiding by applicable rules and to ensure the quality of our products


The product is an irritant for skin and eyes as cement is present in its make-up, hence the resulting high pH level. Always wear Personal Protective Equipment (trousers, gloves, shoes and glasses).

Spécifications techniques
Caractéristiques mécaniques et physiques
Surface spécifique Blaine
Masse volumique
Demande en eau
Temps de début de prise
Clarté (L*)
Résistance à la compression
1 jour
2 jours
7 jours
28 jours
Gravillon Sable sec Ciment Eau
Avantages produits
  • Easy to lay for improved worksite productivity
  • Self-compacting
  • Compliant with roadway stipulations
Caractéristiques techniques
  • Spreading > 450 mm
  • Resistance after 28 days:
    • MAR-1: < 0.7 Mpa
    • MAR-2: 0.7 to 2 Mpa
    • MAR-3: > 2 Mpa

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